[Dynagroove] DJLA.com Review: DJLA Radio Live & Tribe Radio

Just Jon justjon at mediaone.net
Tue Aug 14 17:48:35 PDT 2001

  The Internet radio show is one of the most convenient things that has
popped up since microwavable popcorn, at least for those of us who are
strapped on, strapped up, or strapped down by a full-time work schedule,
thus preventing us from staying out late and being the animals we are.
Although the radio show concept isn't new, there are two shows in particular
that have recently drawn my attention especially....

  On Sunday, August 12, 2001 (was that too dramatic?), I had the opportunity
to spin on DJLA Radio Live alongside Stace Baal, the guy responsible for
birthing this beautiful site (blue's my favorite color) after carrying it
who-knows-where for so long, and the talented Zach Rieken, who now owes me a
pack of cigarettes (I'm jokin'). Resident Henry Self would have/should have
been there, too, but he was out of town. Come back, Henry! Anyway, the
entire night, I heard songs that I would never hear played at parties or

  Stace emphasizes one of his motives for broadcasting his radio show. "One
of our ideas behind the Sunday radio show is to give ourselves the chance to
play some of the great tracks and electronica-influenced music that may not
necessarily be 'dance floor' worthy, and to give the listeners the
opportunity to hear it."

  Stace, that just makes me wanna.... cry...! No, but it definitely makes me
feel good. I am very honored that you had me as your very first special
guest DJ (yes, I'm special!). Thanks! Tune in to DJLA Radio Live every
Sunday, 7-10pm PST. www.djla.com.

  Another ass-shakin' radio show that you all need to know about is
VinylTribe's Tribe Radio with Zack Hill, Brandon Anthony and weekly guest
DJs, hosted on VibeFlow (www.vibeflow.com), every Thursday, 8-11pm PST.

  This Thursday night show is perfect for jump-starting your weekend, or, if
you don't get out much, it's great for just sitting back and hearing some
really good music while eating that big tub of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey
ice cream. Also features a chat box, and even streaming video so that you
can drool (or not...) over your favorite DJ. Watch out for Miss Cleo when
chatting; she'll put a nasty curse on you if you rub her ASS the wrong way!
Big thanks to VinylTribe for bringing us this great weekly show!

  Well, people, it was fun. Until next time....

  Just Jon

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