[Dynagroove] Meet N' Greet Review

Zorica Stancevic zoki at reelhouse.net
Mon Jul 9 10:05:40 PDT 2001

After a late arrival to the meet n' greet, I
was happy to see it was in full force.

All the DJs I heard were awesome and definately
kept it on the funky side. I managed to get
in a little dancing despite really really tired 
legs. Thank you to the prince remix played by
Zach (or was it Louis and Jonra? okay, so my
head was really tired too) I just think there
are not enough Prince remixes played.

Thank you to all that came and supported. It
is awesome to see you all having so much fun.
Next time you are all wearing name tags though,
because from what I experienced, you all saw
A LOT of the reelhouse crew, but we didn't even
get your names. I think I met two people that
I didn't know prior to the event.

None the less, I had a great time and am glad I
took the extra effort to switch my work schedule
to attend.

Special thanks to Dazy for enticing us all to
get a little more familiar with each other, Amy
for encouraging us to have our names on something
(even beer cups, Jason for knowing the color of
my eyes, Cade for arranging the whole thing, and
the list in general for having some really great
boobs and asses.

Zoki :)

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