[Dynagroove] FAMILY SHMAMLY!

BeatBoY22 at aol.com BeatBoY22 at aol.com
Wed May 9 01:54:37 PDT 2001

       Yeah, as for the last family event it sucked ass.  If I wanted to pay 
20 bucks to be stuck in a sweatbox with a bunch of flaming gay boys with 
their clothes off I'd go to a bathhouse . . . sheeeeyaat.
       I'm all for good breaks, but if I'm gonna pay a good amount of money 
don't stick me in a brick sauna, where the walls are dripping when its an 
awesome spring night outside.  And for 20 smackers it might be nice to have a 
DJ on the lineup that I might be slightly excited to see, instead of a bunch 
of no name, trainwreckin fools.  My family days are over.
       And for the love of God, please someone throw some outdoor parties 
this summer under the stars and shit.   I dont care if its in a forest, a 
parking lot, your own backyard or whatever. . . just make it happen.
                               All my positivity,     Chris    =)
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