[Dynagroove] positive or negative

JonRa420 at aol.com JonRa420 at aol.com
Thu Jan 3 16:33:24 PST 2002

Just to change the topic from bickering and bashing , to a question I present to all people who are on this list.  This list has become a forum of negativity ridicule and for the most part straight out attacks  on people and their djing,parties ect.  Do we all benifit from this or does it just seperate our scene more and more with every e-mail you get? Granted I have been the topic of ridicule of bashing and for the most part any and every negative thing you could write about a person. Every party crew in La at one time or another has been the topic of bashing on here weither it's Wax ,Family, Bodyrocks,Freethinking, Untiedsouls,Sacredground
ect. we are the people who devote our time love and everything we know how (at the best of all our abilties to doing these things )into doing these events ,belive me construtive critizism is in no way a negative thing but for the most part when thats all you here all you read it can become a hellaious thing for one to see that our town is full of nothing but ridicule and critizim(excuse my spelling)I am setting myself apart from this in any ways, i have been in the thick of things from both sides but i am just asking you people on the list is this making our scene stronger or weaker...this town has so much talent , if we took time to quit competeing and came  to a common understanding thats we need to make the move from a good city to a city thats has the next sound???? ....JONRA.................................open for comments,

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