[Dynagroove] the weekend in review

Zorica Stancevic zoki at reelhouse.net
Mon Mar 18 11:15:25 PST 2002

since there has been one review of this weekend,
i will hopefully start the ball rolling...

friday night started out with, where else, 
free thinking. i was a lame-o and forgot cade was
opening, so i missed most of his set. damnit. brett
johnson was fabulous. i really enjoy both his production
and his dj-ing. he drops these really great electro, robotic
sounding tracks (many of which are on his label) and
mixes effortlessly. his programming is awesome as well.
the crowd was good. damn, i can't wait for the grand opening
of the newly expanded dance floor and sounds system though.
it will be great to hit the dance floor and not get jostled
around so much.

saturday was easy. set up was simple and a breeze. conway started
out the night with more people that i expected that early on. i guess
$5 before 11:30 really does work. lance desardi was not disappointing
in the least, but he never is. jonene, sporting what i hope is an
aesoteric records t-shirt that i will soon own as well, rocked it. he
played aggressively and bangy, just like i wanted to hear it that
night. brett johnson closed out the night with a great set as well.
people stayed all the way until the end. the party goers were not
as messy as usual, which requires a special thanks from me. between
backing the door and the water/beer (god, you guys love your beer),
i danced and schmoozed and had an all around really great time.

easy, well it was just that, really easy and a lot of fun!!

thanks to all that came out, supported and danced. i hope you had an
enjoyable evening.

zoki. :)

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