[Dynagroove] Altitude Contest!

Zorica Stancevic zoki at reelhouse.net
Fri May 10 11:03:09 PDT 2002

so at first i thought of doing a fairly generic,
get in free contest, but in order to liven up
the list a bit, i, with the help of some friends,
have come up with a more interesting alternative
for all you skate-rat, white boy loving dynagroovers
out there.

the contest for altitude is...


that's right...you can win a semi-blnd date with
james curd for saturday, may 18th.

all you need to do is send me a picture of your
favroite naked body part...props get you bonus points.
have fun, get creative.

and remember...


Saturday, May 18, 2002

Los Angeles

with djs..

James Curd (greens keepers, classic, chicago)

Lance Desardi (aroma, igloo, bluem, LA)

Cle' (fair park, aesoteric, dallas)

Cade (dynagroove, free thinking, LA)

$12 w/ exact change, $15 without

info: (323) 960-4463

in order to entice you some more, if this is successful,
this contest could become more frequent...just think, if
this goes well, next time around you could possibly be
offered the opportunity to win a date with diz.

so submit!!

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