[Dynagroove] GRAVITY 7/26, two rooms of incendiary bliss

Becky Rynkiewicz rebeccar at iswest.net
Fri Jul 18 13:45:41 PDT 2003

hey folksters,

we got a party comin' up round the bend...and it's wearin pink pajamas and
sendin' postcards to your momma and ridin' a dusy llama...and what am i
talking about?

this will be a good party. seriously. i wouldnt lie. ask your mom, she was
at the last one.

plus it isnt a party without you guys and i could use the dancing partners!

here's the line up:

room one (higgity house music):
JOHN HOWARD (Om Records, NY)
ERIC DAVENPORT (Geisha of House, Doubledown)
ZACK HILL (VinylTribe)
LUCAS (DistantBeat)

ok, calm down.

room two (downtempo, hiphop, dnb, jazz, whateva's smooth) hosted by them
open minds peoples:
THEORY (Open Minds)
PHOREYEZ (Pigeon Cage, Jointz)
BEATNICK (Alluv, Know, Sunday Shakedown)
ROY CEBALLOS (Open Minds, Greenhouse)

so here's the info:
18+ to attend, 21+ w/id to drink (drinks will be stiff as hell!)
music starts at 9pm till 5am,
admission = $15

reply to this address for the $10 guest list - guestlist at distantbeat.com (we
will confirm your reply)

first 100 people on the list to arrive will be let in at the discount price,

more info: www.distantbeat.com/events/index.html

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