[Dynagroove] HELP... one more day.

fabian falconett antibuild at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jan 11 23:15:26 PST 2004

Alright people... only 1 more day left to get some
votes in!

Here's the deal. I've submitted 5 t-shirt designs to
Threadless.com to be voted on and hopefully printed.

If I get enough high scores the shirt will be printed
and sold from the site and I will win some prizes. 
Take a look and if you like them, sign up and give it
a score.

Yah.. You have to sign up.. But its painless...
Really.. Help a guy out.



Thanks a bunch and remember that I love you all...

P.S. I'm sure Threadless would be happy if you bought
a tee too! =]

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