[Dynagroove] promoters: one word - collaborate

. t.love .. indigoiris73 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 9 13:55:33 PDT 2004

I think wednesday night is all set with headinhome.... i went there this
wed and had a wonderful time ... everyone is friendly, they have a guest
list option, music is great, drink specials, and lillyanne is someone you
want to support in her club and dj endeavors ... i notice alot of
promoters who throw one offs or weeklies ... expect people to come out to
their parties and support .. yet you rarely see them out dancing unless
it is something they are associated with or they are promoting their own
party .... alot of the time i try to go to those parties that are thrown
by dancers like myself  :)

although, as a dancer .. i would like to have another option on monday
night ..


 >From: Mike Fix <mike at fix.com> >To: dynagroove at dynagroove.com >Subject:
Re: [Dynagroove] promoters: one word - collaborate >Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004
21:22:39 -0700 > >Hmmm.. I'd say that's more the fault of the promoters
of Wednesday >night clubs than it is promoters not being able to work
together. > >If there's a great club on any given night, all other
promoters will >most likely stay off that night, because the competition
is far to >great. But if the club sucks, then there's a vacuum, you'll
have a >bunch of people rush the night trying to make a great club that
puts >the others to sleep. > >Promoters for the most part can't work
together because their ideas >of what makes a great club differ far too
much, specially when it >comes to talent. Good partners are usually ones
that bring their >own unique abilities to the table that the other(s)
don't have, and >that's rare in LA since the majority o f promoters here
are cookie >cutters of each other. The exceptions are the ones that race
to the >tip of your tongue, and obviously on Wednesdays, no one is doing
>that good of a job. > >So, until one Wednesday is better than the rest,
you'll probably see >even more sprout up. And if you think this is bad,
you're >absolutely wrong. Competition is the best thing possible, it
makes >everyone work their hardest to put on the best club
possible...which >will be the one that lasts the longest and is most
successful...and >you, the dancer will reap the benefits. > >And to
directly answer your question about why promoters can't work
>together...generally it's greed. > >-m > > > >>Ok, when I opened my
email this morning I was overwhelmed by the >>influx of dynagroove posts.
After I finally got through all of >>them I was amazed to find that 6
different Wednesday night weeklies >>were posted . Am I the only one that
sees this as more of a >>hindrance than a boost for our little House
community? >> >>By definition, a community is a group of people with
shared >>interests working towards a common goal. I believe that all of
us >>whether we are Promoters, DJs, Musicians, or Dancers are tied
>>together by a common bond: to experience and spread the peace, love
>>and understanding that House Music promotes. We unite for the sole
>>purpose of celebrating life in a carefree environment. >> >>There have
been many threads lately where people have expressed >>their
dissatisfaction with recent parties/djs. Although I try to >>maintain a
positive attitude when I go out, I have noticed that the >>unity has been
lacking. I feel that most parties are missing the >>vibe of yestur-year
primarily due to a lack of attendees. Rarely, >>do I find myself at a
venue packed with all the familiar smiling >> faces I've grown to love
over the years. I believe that its simply >>because there are numerous
events going on at the same time >>spreading everyone out all over the
city. Although I am not >>involved on the production end of clubs or
parties, as a dancer I >>have been affected by L.A. promoters' inabitlity
to work together. >>Not only are people loosing money when they throw
poorly attended >>events. Ultimately, its the party-goers that suffer the
>>consequences of too many people trying to cash in or shine in the
>>spotlight. >> >>So I'm left to wonder why is it so hard for people to
collaborate? >>Is it an ego or a clique thing? How hard could it be to
pool all >>resources together in order to provide a quality event?
Wouldn't >>that contribute to the sense of community that we are trying
to >>maintain? If anyone has a little insight to offer, I would
>>appreciate it. >> >& gt;Carrie >>New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB
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