[Dynagroove] Last night at New Static

BadIYE at aol.com BadIYE at aol.com
Thu Jul 7 16:05:42 PDT 2005

I dropped in on The Blend's new Wednesday night, New Static, at  Zanzibar.  
Very cool vibe, good attendance.  The Blend DJs and my boy  Mike Magana (the 
good life) were tag teaming and playing some really good house  beats (and a 
healthy dose of MJ cut-ups).  Suddenly, Hoang Luu dropped an  excellent deep 
groove track i never heard before, very original.   The crowd's rockin to it, as 
am i.  I look over and i see Joplin with a  grin from one ear to the 
next...right at that moment, someone says "dude! that's  Joplin's new track!"...
So of course, being the clowns that we are, Maui and I decide to walk over  
and stand behind her...we start going:  "man, what is this crap?"  "i  dunno, 
but i can't believe Hoang is playing this horrible shit"...
funny stuff, right?  went right over Jops' head...she turned around,  looks 
at us with this "kid in a candy store" glazed look, and with the  biggest smile 
on her face, she goes:  "THAT'S MY TRACK!!!"...she repeat  it 3 
it was so great to see such excitement...once she calmed down a little, she  
said that it was a new track she produced with Dru Sullivan that was coming 
out  soon on a new record label.  
Soooo.......Congrats Jops and Dru!!....as Vince Vaughn says in  Swingers:  
"our boy's is all growns up!".
the GOOD life

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