[Dynagroove] Re: question - what is reasonable?

Patrick Steven Waechter patricksw at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 20:16:53 PDT 2005

Re: How many times a listing should be submitted...

The majority goes with me on this one, I think... at least the
majority of what I've read cause I'm just so fucking annoyed with all
the bullshit emails you bastards are sending me about how you don't
want to receive so goddamn many emails.

Just kidding.

I think people should send as many emails as they want to.

Whether they're emails about emails or emails about parties or emails
about kittens.

If someone is throwing a party, and they're so fucking excited about
it that they want to send me 18 emails in a single day to talk about
the new pink lace adorned cocktail hankies they're going to have at
the party and whatnot, so the fuck be it... cause I wanna hear about
those cocktail hankies.

But, ya know... if I don't wanna hear about those hankies, it's a hell
of a lot easier for me to just click "DELETE" when someone posts that
GWAR is now headlining their event than it is for me to email every
promoter for every party I AM interested in hearing from to ask them
about what color lace they're adorning the cocktail hankies with this

Right? Yeah, I think that's about it.

I recommend the previously recommended isolated gmail "list only"
email as a tactic for those folks who need a tactic. Also, even just
switching over to gmail and using "labels" works-- you can actually
isolate all dynagroove emails into a single label so you don't have to
look at them, star certain ones you want to keep, etc... Or there's
the all-time favorite option of DIGEST SUBSCRIPTIONS... why get 30
emails a day when you can get 1 or 2? I personally go digest and I
find it to be absolutely lovely...

...almost as lovely as these really great pink lace adorned cocktail
hankies I saw the other day...


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