[Dynagroove] SOLID review!

Amy Ricketts amyr at dynagroove.com
Mon Mar 27 19:53:27 PST 2006

Solid Gold was the BEST party I have been to in a LONG time. I seriously
can not remember the last time I danced so hard, smiled so much, or
woo-hooed so much at a party!

I agree with other people that there seriously was a VIBE at this party...
I haven't felt that in a LONG time!

Now if only I could convince people to play these "hits" on other nights
throughout the year, not just once  a year at Solid Gold!  These records
were "hits" for a reason... they're GOOD!  So why don't ya play 'em more

I about freaked when I heard "Deep Inside" mixed into "Big Fun"!!!! 

I am bummed that I missed Fonda Rae's, "Living in Ecstacy."  I only get to
hear it once a year on a big system, and I left too early!  Hope you all
stuck around to hear it, it's one of my ALL TIME faves!!

Thank you to the people who voluntarily showed me their hand stamps every
time they re-entered the door while I was working up front.   Your
cooperation made working the door much easier!

I hope you all have a great time at the Dynagroove anniversary party.  I
unfortunately will miss it as I will be out of town that weekend.  Bring
that same vibe with you!!

Amy Ricketts

p.s. I missed ya, Zokes!

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