[Dynagroove] DC's set?

mikey velazquez mikey.velazquez at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 12:28:03 PST 2006

Hey what up Amy and everyone,

well I must say, first of all, I have long been a huge fan of Mr. Carter's
production and DJing, as he has always been my fave. The man is a truly
amazing pioneer and I personally owe him so much for having inspired me to
enter this beautiful world we call HOUSE. Straight up.

That being said, I can completely agree that he often times seems as if he
doesn't get into his sets in LA, at least for the last few years. I have
been there and done that, where you get all excited to see him rockout, yet
are let down because he seems to "wing it", or just not throw down like the
legend we know and love. The reason I can say this is because I have also
seen him in SF and Miami those last few years, and you can definitely feel a
huge difference.

So, back to Saturday night. DC fucking KILLED IT. I agree that Mark didn't
"throw down" like we are used to seeing him do, but like my friend Ricky
said, he simply "chugged away" nicely and built up the energy for DC to
wreck shop.

And that he did. He did exactly what I was hoping he would do in traditional
DC fashion, rocking sick acapellas over some sweet banging mixes, especially
that NAF on dotbleep which sticks in mind. Then when he dropped Shake and
Pop I knew he "was back" according to LA, because the whole place was jumpin
and pumpin hard! I sure hope SG recorded that shit!

Hope that helped Amy!


On 10/30/06, Amy Ricketts <amyr at dynagroove.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I left the Mark Farina/ Derrick Carter party before Derrick went on. I was
> just too tired.  I am curious about his set.
> I am interested in reading a review written by someone who like me, has
> NOT been impressed with DC's last TEN or so sets in LA.
> I was not impressed with Farina's set, by the way.
> I had a SUPER fun time at the party, but I certainly could have done that
> for free somewhere else.
> To the promoters of this party, please do not misinterpret this message as
> disrespect.  You threw a great party.
> Anxious to read...
> Amy Ricketts
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