[Dynagroove] pre Thanksgiving House Jam Wede. Nov. 22,2006

Hawkeye hawkeye at headinghome.net
Fri Nov 10 10:22:58 PST 2006

pre Thanksgiving House Jam!
Wednesday November 22 2006
No School or Work on Thursday!

Garth (Grayhound Recordings. SF)
Latinizer -LIVE (Nortec Collective.Mexico) Grammy Nominee
M3 (Green Gorilla Lounge. SF)
Lillyanne (Headinghome Rec. Los Angeles)
Hawkeye (Headinghome. LA)
BodyRockDJs (Quietly Freaking, LA)
Wobs (Elevate, OC)
Nonfiction (Elevate, OC)
Lenny V (Jungle Boogie, LA)

As Latinizer,  Pepe Mogt works with a very synthetic and basic set of
musical tools to create a quirky approach to electronic music.
This approach could be described as a combination of the melodic work of
early synth Pop classics such as Eno-era Roxy Music
and Switched on Bach, modular synth based artists like Tangerine Dream
and the grit of urban Tijuana. The texture and warmth
of analog sounds are the means with which Latinsizer becomes an
alternate project to Nortec, and particularly, to Fussible. Visit
for more info about Pepe Mogt.

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