[Groop]Please help Little Billy Evans

Lawrence Steller sheikofentropy@yahoo.com
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 20:46:03 -0700 (PDT)

--- Chris Schechner <schechnr@flash.net> wrote:
> I would usually not forward this type of story, but
> this one REALLY is
> different...

I came THIS close to deleting this post unread, when I
realized, WAIT, this is CHRIS here! It's probably a
parody of one of those tragic posts I'm always
inundated with looking for sympathy!

I laughed my head off until I realized, WAIT AGAIN!
What if this was, in fact, a true story? What kind of
heartless knucklehead laughs at the tragic story of a
boy born without a real body, instead inhabiting a
burlap bag full of leaves. 

So I cried my eyes out, then spent hours crawling
around the carpet searching for them. I may have put
the left eyeball in the right eye socket and vice
verse, because I'm suddenly dyslexic!!!

Hmmm, I wonder if my condition is now tragic enough to
warrent my OWN  tragic post looking for sympathy to
inundate people with?

P.S. I have SO MUCH to say in my own CON REPORT that
it may take a few days...SORRY!!!

Larry Steller AKA The Sheik Of Entropy

Larry Steller AKA The Sheik Of Entropy

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