[Groop]This, that, and the other thing ...

Gary Grossmann grossfam@olywa.net
Tue, 13 Mar 2001 20:56:30 -0800

Eric wrote:

> You can still go!  They haven't started sell-
> ing Wondercon tickets yet.

Eric, oh ye single man so footloose and fancy free without the constraints
of time or short-term and long-term debt;  'tis easier said than done!

> Congratulations!  Getting married to Erin?

But of course!  And the REAL Erin, not cyber Erin or any of the other Erins.

> Julie Newmar actually came to Oakland before,
> for a Supercon(?) show (similar to Wondercon).
> Anyway, she'd autograph your program book for
> free!

She could autograph my forehead, which comes up to her at just about the
right height for signing!  Actually, being a Julie Newmar fan is in my
genes.  When I was a kid, we lived in New Jersey and my Mom & Dad used to go
see Broadway shows all the time.  They saw one (whose name I cannot
remember-Mark probably knows) in which Julie Newmar appeared part of time in
nothing but a towel.  From that time on, the running joke in the family was
that Dad was the president of the Westfield, New Jersey Chapter of the Julie
Newmar Fan Club.  I didn't understand the joke until I was about 12 and saw
Ms. Newmar on TV as Catwoman on the old Batman show.  Man, what she did for
that catsuit in the eyes of a 12 year old boy!  It would be fun to tell her
about Dad.

Let's see, so this is not off topic, Groo is the best comic on the planet,
and Sergio and Mark are the best comic creators, Tom Luth is the best
colorist, and Stan Sakai does the best non-humor comic on the planet with
Usagi Yojimbo, and is so talented, he can do everything himself!  (letters
pretty good too!)

Take care all -Gary G.