[Groop] downloading e-groo

Mark Evanier me at evanier.com
Mon Jun 25 22:41:48 PDT 2007

On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 20:52:47 -0500, you wrote:

>Ya know, I have been thinking on this ethical dilemma for a few days and am
>wondering about one thing.
>Let's say someone had a friend that told them about Groo.  Then let them
>look at say some Pacific issues of Groo and that friend decided they wanted
>a copy of some kind for themselves.
>What options do they have?
>They either buy the copies on ebay, which not a single cent goes to the Groo
>creators, or they download virtual copies.  Either way Sergio, Mark, Stan,
>and Luth don't get a single penny for it.  How can anyone right now get any
>copy of the Pacific Groos that would financially benefit the creators?
>I'm not aware of any copies of those Groos from that time period that is
>available that would do such a thing.  So would that person downloading
>(technically illegal, I agree) those copies actually deny them any money
>(Despite the possibility that it is conceivable they may reprint yet again
>those stories in the future)?  Or would it just deny resalers money that do
>not pass along any of that money to the Groo creators?
>I may be missing something.  I often do.  :P  But I can't think of what it
>Maybe you guys can fill me in.

ME: First of all, we will probably be reprinting those stories again
soon.  I can't officially announce it yet but something is in the

Secondly, it's true we don't make any money if you buy back issues off
eBay...but those are a finite quantity.  We've been paid for those
issues.  The problem with Internet downloads is that it creates an
infinite number of new copies for which we are not compensated.

Lastly, it is bothersome that people feel a sense of entitlement to
someone else's property.  If you can't afford a Rolls Royce, you do
without.  But when it comes to intellectual property, a lot of people
feel that they can't be expected to do without.  There's an attitude
of "I want it and if you're not going to sell it to me on my terms,
I'm just going to take it."  So the moral problems are deep within
that mindset.

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