[Groop] Groo Treasury

Grossmann, Gary (DOR) GaryG at DOR.WA.GOV
Thu Apr 9 16:21:33 PDT 2009

Hey Ryan!


Yes indeedy!  (Although it's a Word document.  I think Eric converted it
to PDF)  


And I'm not doing "just" "The Official Unofficial Groo List," which is
the stuff that is or was more or less available to the general public
that has an original Groo in it.  I am in the process of doing a
complete Groo/Sergio inventory.  So in addition to the Groo List, I'll
also (finally) have a list of Original Groo art and the unique, or
nearly unique Groo items I have.  Plus some Sergio w/o Groo, plus my
almost complete set of Usagi Yojimbo and also all of Mark's creator
owned comics.   


And I'm doing it so I can actually find everything and know what I have
extras of and stuff like that.  This will relieve my poor Groo-ish brain
from much anxiety.  It's taking me forever, as I split my non-existent
spare time between working on that and clearing brush and chopping,
splitting and stacking wood.  But it will be worth it.    It will also
be fun to hear from other folks (I know a few of you are out there) who
have some cool stuff that I don't have.  


Take care all,


Gary G. 



From: groop-bounces at groo.com [mailto:groop-bounces at groo.com] On Behalf
Of Ryan Simmons
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 3:36 PM
To: groop at groo.com
Subject: Re: [Groop] Groo Treasury


Does this mean that you are updating your comprehensive pdf groo list,

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Grossmann, Gary (DOR) <GaryG at dor.wa.gov>

Hey Mark!


I know it is supposed to be everything from the Pre-Epic period, but is
there any chance of including in the Groo Treasury the Groo short that
appeared in Wizard #78 or the Sunday format Groo that appeared in Dark
Horse Extra #42?  


I believe these are the only Groo shorts that have not been reprinted
somewhere.  (Well, there is the original short story that is in the Groo
Chronicles (hardback edition and #5 of the soft cover set of 6.) So even
though it's in a reprint book, it hasn't been reprinted!-You guys do
these kind of things just to drive me crazy, don't you!)  


Thanks so much for keeping us posted!


Take care,


Gary G. 

Groop mailing list
Groop at groo.com


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