[Groop] (no subject)

elisiaone.iwon elisiaone at iwon.com
Mon Apr 20 10:58:28 PDT 2009

I received the first Groop e-mail in a couple weeks last week.  Anybody else experience the bliss of not receiving Groop e-mails?  J. k., sort of.  Check out this overpriced inflation:http://shop.ebay.com/%09%09%20%09%20Images%20of%20Groo?_from=R40&_trksid=p284.m38.l1313&_nkw=%09%09+%09+Images+of+Groo&_sacat=See-All-Categories&_naf=1I have a whole set I'll sell for $1,000.  There was another guy selling different individual cards of the Wildstorm reg. set w/ the same picture, which I found Groolike.  He ended them all I think as well.Groo Parade should have been Groo Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.  It's the longest word in the dictionary and would've coincided nicely with the HOE series, since it means a lung disease caused by silica dust (http://www.workershealth.com.au/facts060.html).  Groo Q... should be Groo Que.  It rhymes like the Minstrel does.  The Groo R... should be Ridiculousness, because it is a long word as well and sums up Groo.  I second neener, neener, neener.Gary, you're in a video game right now.  Groo is controlling you.Aussies, all I have to say is Hewitt!Thank you and Good Nightmares,Eli StampP. S.  Here's the e-mail I got about the Images of Groo cards:eBay sent this message to Eli Stamp (naturewillendure).Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn more.Here are newly listed items that match your favorite search.Hi Eli,We've
found 20 new items that match your search for "Groo Images Card 4". We
hope this helps you find exactly what you're looking for!Find matching itemsNew ResultsImages of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #94 *Rare*Images of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #93 *Rare*Images of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #92 *Rare*Starting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:51:34 PDTStarting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:52:11 PDTStarting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:52:41 PDTImages of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #91 *Rare*Images of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #88 *Rare*Images of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #82 *Rare*Starting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:53:17 PDTStarting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:53:51 PDTStarting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:54:29 PDTImages of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #78 *Rare*Images of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #77 *Rare*Images of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #70 *Rare*Starting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:55:10 PDTStarting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:55:54 PDTStarting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:56:29 PDTImages of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #64 *Rare*Images of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #53 *Rare*Images of Groo 1995 Wildstorm Card #44 *Rare*Starting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:57:10 PDTStarting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:57:54 PDTStarting Bid:$0.99(0 Bids)Shipping:$1.45End time:Apr-25-09 09:58:40 PDTSee all results...Favorite Search DetailsSearch criteria: [Refine search ] |  [View All Favorite Searches ]Items Matching:Groo Images Card 4Search name:Groo Images Card 4Email notifications:Ends Nov-01-09 01:00:12 PDT [Renew subscription ] |  [Unsubscribe ]
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