<TITLE>Re: [Groop] Cool website.</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Verdana">I’m really not trying to be a snot about this, but there are only 16 pieces to this puzzle, so logically, it shouldn’t take more than 16 moves to complete, and as shown by others, maybe less, as any fool can plainly see. <BR>
on 5/31/07 11:15 PM, Tone at Tone@moon-shine.net wrote:<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#000098">> I believe the puzzle generates a random tile mix each time a<BR>
> person visits the site, so the amount of moves each person does depends<BR>
> on just how scattered the tiles are positioned at the start. Basically,<BR>
> what this means is I WIN. with ONLY 40 moves! .and not even one was a<BR>
> boo-boo! Beat that!<BR>
> :-)<BR>
> _TONE_<BR>
> <BR>
<FONT COLOR="#800080">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <BR>
</FONT>Check out my blog, <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><B>Insight Through Hindsight</B></FONT>, <BR>
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