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Hey Jose!<BR>
The Pacific Groos were the first regular Groo comics. The first published Groo story was a short, wordless 4 page story in Destroyer Duck #1, which came out in Februray, 1982. Then there was a six page story in StarSlayer #5, which came out just before the Pacific Groos started in late 1982. Then came the 8 Pacifics, followed by the Groo Special published by Eclipse. This is particularly cool because it contains a story that was mostly drawn by Sergio in 1977, but never published until the Eclipse Special. <BR>
You can find Destroyer Duck #1, StarSlayer #5, and the Eclipse Special on ebay. They, and the Pacifics were all reprinted in the Groo Chronicles. The hardback is near impossible to find, but the six softcovers that have the same stuff show up on ebay all the time. <STRONG><U>And hey! This fall you can get them all in the Groo Treasury! </U></STRONG><BR>
Oh, and there was also a short in Epic Illustrated #32 just before the Epics started and that is also in the Chronicles and I assume it will be in the Treasury. <BR>
Welcome to the Groop!<BR>
Gary G.<BR>
(Amateur Groo Historian) <BR>
<BR> <BR>
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Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 15:51:38 +1000<BR>From: joefixit7@gmail.com<BR>To: groop@groo.com<BR>Subject: [Groop] Hey Groop need some help<BR><BR>I recently got on board Groo buying the first 8 issue maxi series from Pacific and than 100 issues on the Marvel/Epic line of Groo. I am just beginning to read the adventures of our clumsy barbarian, one thing I have noticed when reading the PC Comic groo series that it states the comic as volume 2, I thought that was the first Groo series to come out from a Publisher. If anyone can help me that would be great as I want to fill in the gaps to my Groo Collection.<BR clear=all><BR>-- <BR>Kind Regards,<BR>~Jose the Groo Fan from Australia~<BR><br /><hr />Rediscover HotmailŪ: Now available on your iPhone or BlackBerry <a href='http://windowslive.com/RediscoverHotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Rediscover_Mobile2_042009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>