[Dynagroove] Wax Party Reviews? and paging Vlad

Mack Spicoli at happ-e.com
Thu Jul 5 10:18:15 PDT 2001

I got there around 11 and there was a pretty big line, but it moved fast. I noticed a bunch of people trying to pull the "I might know someone" move and walking up and down the line. Most people weren't having that and I saw about 10 people get told to step to the back, nice work on that...

Once I got to the door the lady tells me it's 25 now. Great, I love when people jack up the price at a later time. Like that makes perfect sense, if you show up late, then you pay more right? since you will see less of the djs, you SHOULD pay more...give me a break. I guess they didn't make enough money by overselling the venue that they had to bump it up five dollars.

Yah, it's only five bucks, but to me that's a lunch, or at this club enough for one water($4 bucks). Also the bartenders sucked very badly. Took about 25 mins to get a water or anything.

Mark Farina was on when I got in, good music, good vibe, very warm and humid.

Then after Mark was that other guy on the lineup that I forgot his name, pretty nice set, it seemed to hit the people a little better than Farina's set. I also noticed mad amounts of people giving up and going home because of the heat. I chose to wait it out and see Doc.

Doc got on about 2:35 or something, earlier than he was supposed to(3-5). He played some semi harder stuff if I recall correctly, but towards the backend of his set he began to smooth it out as the crowd thinned and the joint cooled down a little. Rapture was a good change of pace when he threw that in.

Overall a good party, very hot, good music, pretty good people. I give it a b+, would have gotten an A if it was cooler and they didn't jack up the prices on shit. Did I just go to Woodstock or the Wax Party?..I forget..



--- "Zach Rieken" <zach at fluxpromotions.com>
> wrote:
><DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Anybody make it over to the Wax party at Blue last 
>night?&nbsp; I was too tired to make it.&nbsp;&nbsp; I'd love to hear how it was 
><DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
><DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I hope everyone is having a great 
><DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
><DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Zach</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
><DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>P.S.&nbsp; Vlad... e-mail me, I don't have your 
>e-mail address!</FONT></DIV>

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