[Dynagroove] Props to DJLA!!

Flux Funk FluxFunk at Hotmail.com
Mon Jul 30 20:30:19 PDT 2001


Tuned into DJLA Radio last night (Sunday) as I got home from a full day at
the beach and really enjoyed the show! It was the perfect thing to chill at
home with as I got settled in. Henry had played true to his smooth yet
eclectic style... Zach played his more deep thought provoking stuff.... and
heard a great little 2 step set by Stace.. Nice job guys! Now I'm jus
streaming the 24hr version of DLJA Radio.. really really kewl!

AND..a kewl new look for DJLA all around! It'll be kewl when the Community /
News section is filled with more kewl stuff.

Keep up the good work!!

For those out there with Broadband connections, I suggest you check it
ut  --- www.DJLA.com

Aiight -- out


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