[Dynagroove] LEVEL found a hot spot...

Rythmik rythmik at rythmik.net
Sat Jan 24 16:04:09 PST 2004

Or a G-Spot might be a better term... That party kicked ass last Thursday! Not only did Josh and crew find a DOPE location, but they packed tha house! At first I was amazed by the location, Big Andy's in Tustin. While a bit of a drive for some of us, it is well worth it. 3 rooms, plasma tv's, pool tables, and i must say the most impressive part of this place was the main room downstairs. It felt warm and welcoming and had a definity underground feel to it. Both Doug and Colette played incredible sets. Doug always impresses me w/ his crate digging skills and his ability to warm it up proper. And Colette just gets better and better everytime I see her. She busted some of the most amazing vocals, that crowd was in the palm of her hands. What a VIBE up in there! I expect to hear great things from about this party. If you didn't make it out there for the opening, I suggest making the trek to OC. You won't be disappointed. 

Jay Stevens (dj rythmik)

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