[Dynagroove] dynagroove Digest, Vol 69, Issue 17, shady promoters

Amy Ricketts amyr at dynagroove.com
Tue Feb 17 09:41:57 PST 2009

> So all you little
> bitchy
> local DJs who think your a diva and should get payed $200 full pulling no
> one and putting 5 people on the guest list.. Get over yorselves.  Support
> the scene.  Give where you can and stop taking all you can.


Thanks for saying that.

Okay, how about something positive???

Is anyone else as excite as I am for Johnny Fiasco at King King this
Saturday?  Okay, that's an easy questions to answer: NO, because no one
could possibly be as excited about it as me... but perhaps you are ALMOST
as excited about it. :)

Amy Ricketts

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