
Rick Loomis rick@flyingbuffalo.com
Thu, 31 May 2001 09:08:36

At 12:00 PM 5/30/01 -0700, you wrote:
>If that doesn't work, I may have to ask our Brazilian Groopies if they can
>send me a Giant Anteater!  That would show those little bas...(oops, sorry
>Eric)..those little hmmm, well you know what I mean.   Hopefully they are
>all drowned and in lemon freshened ant heaven and I can get back to various
>tasks, such as sending out those magnets!  Take care -Gary G
>PS  I guess if I really did it Groo style, I would have tried to burn them
>out with gasoline and ended up burning down my house.

Actually, gasoline usually works very well against ants, just DONT light it
on fire. The fumes will kill the ants better than a temporary fire would.
There are also several very good ant poisons on the market that you can get
at a nursery. 
Rick Loomis
(who spent one summer poisoning ant hills on my uncle's ranch)
Flying Buffalo Inc/PO Box 1467/Scottsdale, AZ 85252 USA    
Ph: 480-945-6917 /FAX:480-994-1170 /Ans Mach: 480-994-0658
send gameturns to: games@flyingbuffalo.com