[Groop] Bees

Tennille Tan dennison at tri-isys.com
Fri Jan 30 19:57:42 PST 2004

Subject: Re: [Groop] Bubble

--somehow I have to wonder about HOW I actually
became the topic of a thread... 

> When you get a bee sting, what you want to do is re-
> move the stinger as soon as possible (within 2 seconds
> if possible), since venom starts pumping into you from
> the stinger.  To remove it, use a fingernail and brush
> it off in the direction of the base of the stinger
> (the side lodged in you) to the top of the stinger.
Funny thing. We were having a lecture on stings and bites
thursday... and really, bees aren't very common where I
live... anyway, you're supposed to try to remove the
bee's stinger without "milking" it... and I keep imagining
someone actually being very grooish and squeezing the 
sac thing while trying to pull it out...
Oh and I did have a sort of encounter with one lone bee
two weeks ago on the class field trip... I saw it and 

Somehow, let's just all agree to disagree regarding the
whole pirating thing...


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