[Groop] downloading e-groo

Mo orst m00rst at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 14 08:40:52 PDT 2007

It's not intended to be about "curling up" with the comic when it comes to 
computer interface. That's what makes me respectfully disagree with Sergio's 
decision. Computers and digital media aren't really a replacement for 
traditional comics and/or TPB's. That would be impossible. It's more of a 
supplemental way of interacting with popular culture. Comics, music, film, 
literature, Art, Etc.... the experience of any medium can be enhanced by an 
accessible, digital presence. Having quick access to specific scenes, gags, 
and moments in Groo's history is what would interest me in a digital version 
of his stories. Having them handy when I'm on my computer would allow me to 
further saturate my consciousness with them.

Does that replace "reading a comic"? No. That experience is completely 
unique and even more essential. Having them on my laptop simply makes it 
more fun and accessible. Additionally, it exposes more people to the 
characters and the story. Just my $0.02.


>Subject: Re: [Groop] downloading e-groo
>Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:09:47 EDT
>RE: on-line comics.... From a reader's perspective, they're not as nice as
>the traditional paper or trade paperback type because you can't curl up in 
>chair with them or lay down on the floor/bed with them... even a laptop 
>work right for this. And, unless you have magnifying vision, it would be 
>about impossible to read a comic on a small, curl-up-withable hand-held 
>like a PDA or "Gameboy"/PSP (at least, not a full page at a time. Even
>Sergio's "without words" comics would not have their full impact at that 
>They are a good way to have "pristine" pages, I suppose-- it's pretty easy 
>clean a computer screen,  as compared to paper... and replacing a keyboard 
>you spill something on it is usually easier and cheaper than replacing a
>"classic" out of print comic book.
>Girl Genius (_http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/_
>(http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/) ) is an on-line and trade paperback type 
>comic/graphic novel I do
>follow. I read books 1-5 on the computer while waiting for the print ones 
>to arrive
>from various sellers.... It was much nicer to re-read them in the print
>version, not only because holding them while curling up in a chair is 
>easier, but
>also because you don't have to wait that eternal 30s or so for the next 
>page to
>load. Currently, book 6 is only available on-line... but I will be ordering
>the "real" one as soon as it is available.
>Maybe Sergio could put "teaser" pages of new comics up.... Not that loyal
>Groop-ers/-ies need such, but it would doubtlessly hook new readers.....
>Proudly marching to a different kettle of fish
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