[Groop] Groo Treasury

Gary Grossmann garyg5678 at live.com
Fri Apr 17 23:22:10 PDT 2009


Hey Mark!


Thanks for the extra info.  We all know you guys won't let crappy Groo stuff be produced (except maybe in Turkey).  Although more hardbacks would be nice, I'm sure the soft covers will be excellent quality.  And you guys virtually always include new and/or previously unpublished stuff in the reprints, which is always great.  


I am intrigued by your mention of Groo pages published overseas, but not in the US.  The only pages like that I'm aware of were in the first Spanish TPB "El Retorno" which came out in 1994 and reprinted Epic #40-#45.  I hope those are the ones you are talking about.  Otherwise I've got something else to track down!!  Gak!  


And if you ever need some extra pages, Sergio has done about 40 original covers for Spanish publications, about half were wrap arounds for the TPBs and half were for a reprint series of Epic #1-#24.  Many of this latter group are what happened a second later or a second before their Epic counterparts.  So seen together they are even more fun than when seen separately.  


And don't feel bad about asking some of us to buy reprints of stories that have already been reprinted.  For me, the original covers are worth the price alll by themselves.  And speaking of covers, I assume that the Treasury and the alphabet books will all have original wrap around covers.  That is great, because then some people willl buy two so they can look at the whole drawing at once.  Although maybe I'm the only one who does that... 


Take care all,


Gary "Alll Groo is Good Groo" G.  


> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 19:23:24 -0700
> From: evanier at gmail.com
> To: groop at groo.com
> Subject: Re: [Groop] Groo Treasury
> Alexander Durnan wrote:
> > Why continue the Treasury into a series? Wouldn't it just be easier to 
> > reprint Groo Adventurer, Bazaar, etc.? Honestly I'd prefer a nice 
> > hardcover on the lines of the Marvel Masterworks series. The Omnibus 
> > editions of those get you like 30 issues per book! Groop members would 
> > probably buy it, public at large might be a gamble.
> ME: We spent a lot of time discussing how to handle the reprints, and 
> Dark Horse has some firm ideas about what the marketplace wants.
> The current plan is to continue the "alphabet" series but not to reprint 
> the early ones. THE GROO PARADE will reprint the next eight issues of 
> Epic and, assuming it sells decently, it will be followed by an "R" 
> volume with the next eight. (Sergio and I are having a disagreement 
> over what to call the "R" volume. He wants to call it THE GROO REGIME 
> and I want to call it THE GROO REPRINT.)
> There are a number of reasons not to reprint THE GROO ADVENTURER, THE 
> GROO BAZAAR, etc. One is that that page count is not really cost 
> effective these days. That's why THE GROO PARADE will have eight issues 
> instead of four. If we stuck with the four issue paperbacks, they'd 
> look overpriced next to the eight issue ones.
> So the early stories will get reprinted in the TREASURY series. The 
> first volume will have all the pre-Epic stuff plus a bunch of new 
> features. Sergio is drawing a six-page introduction with him and me in 
> it. There will also be some early GROO pages that were printed overseas 
> but not in America.
> Assuming the first TREASURY sells well enough to warrant continuing the 
> series, we'll reprint the early Epic stories sequentially. I know most 
> of you have all those but the average reader doesn't. We think it will 
> help the sales of new GROO projects if average readers have an easy way 
> to buy all the back ones.
> I know this is not ideal and part of me feels bad about, in essence, 
> asking some of you to buy reprints of stories we've already reprinted. 
> But I also like the idea of getting the whole GROO saga in print and 
> this seems like the best way to do it.
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