[Groop] Cmon guys I think he was joking

Chris Emmett mygodaplum at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Mar 5 13:22:25 PST 2012

I know! This has annoyed me for years. The number of times I have almost quit the Groop when someone pipes up with happy birthday is countable only if Larry doesn't lose his lists. Especially when it's mine. It makes my blood boil and my ears steam and my eyes turn into streams of daggers.
There are only three great men in Groo, unless you count that Chichester guy, and people should remember that! Three, count 'em, three. Not four and not two, saving you thence count to three. Sorry wrong running gag there. See it can happen to the best of us and we must all be trebly vigilant for this aberrant behaviour.

So, I say, no more! No more birthdays, no more individuals of dubious provenance and reputation purportedly called "Mark", no more pirates (I mean come on, what's that all about? There's never been a pirate in Groo to MY knowledge) and definitely no more.

I'd like to shake you by the hand for having the courage to bring up a difficult subject and confront it head on. Why on topic? Because we must. How on topic? As far as we can go. Can on topic? Well, if you think hardware will help, then let's have a can in every topic.

Right, I'll start.
Topic: Is Groo capable of wooing Chakaal and would using a watering-can help?


> From: Adam White <adamwhitewolf at gmail.com>
>To: groop at groo.com 
>Sent: Sunday, 4 March 2012, 20:33
>Subject: Re: [Groop] Groop Digest, Vol 109, Issue 3
>I have sat quiet while memebers have passed inside jokes and happy birthdays to people I do not know,  There is a place for that, for better or worse called facebook.  I thought and believed that the cool-nest of this place was talking about Groo or Sergio or Tom Luth or equally great Stan Sakai and Usagi Yojimbo.  Why, or how or better yet, can we get better on topic?
><snipped for pirates>
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