[Groop]OT-Nigeria (sorry)

Azamin azamin7@pd.jaring.my
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 10:45:31 +0800

A few years ago, the same people organized the pagent in India.. which
recieved a strong protest from women's right and hindu/muslim
organizations.  As a result,  the swim suit part was shifted to
Maldives....  This pagent is really manipulating womens as sex object..
but why did those who want equal rights for womens did nothing...?
(except those in India)...   They're erred.... they're grooed...

> I assume you're talking about the rioting which
> occured after a newspaper there
> had the nerve to state that Muhammed the Prophet
> would have approved of
> the "Miss World Beauty Pageant". Over 50 people have
> been killed in Nigeria at
> last report over this newspaper.
> These idiot westerners... They take their pageant to
> Nigeria, secure in the
> conceit that the rest of the world is more
> enlightened than the west, thinking
> the values they take for granted in their safe
> secure realm is universal. Well
> surprise surprise, the rest of the world is not like
> the west. Only politically-
> correct idiots would think their pageant would get
> the same reception in
> Nigeria as it would in Milan, London, or New York. A
> reality check for dullards
> who moronically believe the freedoms they take for
> granted in their cushy lives
> are universally respected.
> And don't worry, it's not off-topic. They "grooed".
> (Although I'd assume Groo
> would have been less mindless in planning this.)